Register Embark on an unforgettable learning journey. Registration Form Thank you for your interest in joining Matt’s Education. Please fill in the form below and we will reach out to you shortly to discuss suitable lessons for your child.Select An Outlet*Please select...Jurong WestClementiStudent’s ParticularsStudent’s Name*Student’s Contact No.*School*Level in 2025*Primary 1Primary 2Primary 3Primary 4Primary 5Primary 6Secondary 1Secondary 2Secondary 3Secondary 4Secondary 5Junior College 1Junior College 2Subjects that require tuitionSubject that requires tuition - PrimaryPlease select...EnglishMathsScienceSubject that requires tuition - PrimaryPlease select...EnglishMathsScienceSubject that requires tuition - PrimaryPlease select...EnglishMathsScienceSubject that requires tuition - Lower SecondaryPlease select...EnglishMaths (Lower Sec)ScienceSubject that requires tuition - Lower SecondaryPlease select...EnglishMaths (Lower Sec)ScienceSubject that requires tuition - Lower SecondaryPlease select...EnglishMaths (Lower Sec)ScienceSubject that requires tuition - Upper SecondaryPlease select...EnglishE MathsA MathsScience (Phy/Chem)Science (Chem/Bio)Science (Pure Chem)Subject that requires tuition - Upper SecondaryPlease select...EnglishE MathsA MathsScience (Phy/Chem)Science (Chem/Bio)Science (Pure Chem)Subject that requires tuition - Upper SecondaryPlease select...EnglishE MathsA MathsScience (Phy/Chem)Science (Chem/Bio)Science (Pure Chem)Subject that requires tuition - Junior CollegePlease select...MathsPreferred Slot(s)*Parent/Guardian’s ParticularsName of Parent/Guardian*Parent/Guardian's Contact No.*Parent/Guardian's Email* Parent/Guardian's Address*RemarksHow did you hear about us?Please select...Social MediaWord of MouthGoogleFlyersWalk PastOthersFees for one month deposit + $35 Registration Fee*P1-2, 1 subject ($170)P1-2, 2 subjects ($320)P3-4, 1 Subject ($180)P3-4, 2 Subjects ($330)P3-4, 3 Subjects ($480)P5-6, 1 Subject ($250)P5-6, 2 Subjects ($460)P5-6, 3 Subjects ($680)Sec 1-2, 1 Subject ($220)Sec 1-2, 2 Subjects ($400)Sec 1-2, 3 Subjects ($540)Sec 3-4-5, 1 Subject ($300)Sec 3-4-5, 2 Subjects ($560)Sec 3-4-5, 3 Subjects ($780)JC1, 1 Subject ($420)JC2, 1 Subject ($420)We will collect a deposit of one month's fees and a one-time registration fee of $35. Please note that you do not have to make payment at this stage until we contact you to confirm your registration.Register feeTotal Amount: $ 0.00 Transfer MethodBank TransferPayNowTransfer InstructionPlease transfer payment only after we have contacted you to confirm your registration! If you do not receive a confirmation email after submitting the form, please contact us at +65 9358 3540. After we confirm the fees payable with you, payment can be made directly into our bank account (DBS Current 072-111951-0).Transfer InstructionPlease transfer payment only after we have contacted you to confirm your registration! If you do not receive a confirmation email after submitting the form, please contact us at +65 9358 3540. After we confirm the fees payable with you, payment can be made to our UEN No. 202403617H.Please transfer payment only after we have contacted you to confirm your registration. If you do not receive a confirmation email after submitting the form, please contact us at +65 9358 3540. After we confirm the fees payable with you, payment can be made directly into our bank account (DBS Bank 072-111951-0). Thank you!Please transfer payment only after we have contacted you to confirm your registration. If you do not receive a confirmation email after submitting the form, please contact us at +65 9358 3540. After we confirm the fees payable with you, payment can be made to our UEN No. 202403617H. Thank you!CAPTCHA